About Us

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Aum Waheguru Seva Mission is a non profit organization that is run entirely and 100% by volunteers. With no corporate or business financial backing or assets, our organization relies solely on donations from generous supporters. Our philosophy revolves around the mantra of "Seva", a Sanskrit word that means "Selfless Service", an integral part of any spiritual practice from the teachings of Shree 108 Brahamelien Swami Mehar Singh ji Maharaj, our chosen logo. Our website will give you the opportunity to see the work that we do and the widows who we support by providing food and supplies every month. We are grateful to be able to serve these women as we believe all women deserve a life of Dignity and Honor.

Why widows?
In many traditional communities of developing countries (especially on the Indian subcontinent and in Africa), widowhood represents a "social death" for women. It is not merely that they have lost their husbands, the main breadwinner and supporter of their children, but widowhood robs them of their status and consigns them to the very margins of society where they suffer the most extreme forms of discrimination and stigma. Widows in these regions are generally the poorest of the poor and least protected by the law because their lives are likely to be determined by local, patriarchal interpretations of tradition, custom, and religion. Unmarried women are the property and under the control of their fathers; married women belong to their husbands. Widows are in limbo and no longer have any protector.

Across cultures they become outcasts and are often vulnerable to physical, sexual, and mental abuse. It is as if they were in some way responsible for their husband's death and must be made to suffer for this calamity for the remainder of their lives. Indeed, it is not uncommon for a widow especially in the context of the AIDS pandemic to be accused of having murdered her husband, for example, by using witchcraft.

The grief that many third world widows experience is not just the sadness of bereavement but the realization of the loss of their position in the family that, in many cases, results in their utter abandonment, destitution, and dishonor.

Why India?
Widows in India go from being called "she" to "it" when they lose their husbands. They become "de-sexed" creatures.

Clearly, it's more than a problem of language, although that discrimination goes further, with epithets such as "husband eater" used against them. In the northern Indian state of Punjab, a widow is referred to as randi, which means "prostitute" in Punjabi. In this region, they usually arrange for the widow to marry her deceased husband's brother because being owned by a man is a way to avoid being raped.

Widowhood is a state of social death, even among the higher castes. "Widows are still accused of being responsible for their husbands death, and they are expected to have a spiritual life with many restrictions which affects them both physically and psychologically."

Why Rajasthan?
One of India's poorest states, Rajasthan had custom of sati, where widows threw themselves into their husbands funeral pyre. Here, sati prevailed long after it was declared illegal in the 19th century. In district after district, villages are found, with abysmal work conditions and no alternative means of employment. Many men die of the lung disease silicosis, and life is hard for their families. Widows with kids here need help more than elsewhere as in major cities there are some religious societies and helping groups. This is a great opportunity for us to serve.

Our Activities
Funding is provided by member's contributions and donations from the general public. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in contributing throughout all 50 States through our website helppoorwidows.org. Our entire revenue and funds are allocated towards food and supplies for widows. Our goal is to keep operational costs minimal as we start fundraising efforts and expect to be covered by membership and board members. We are committed to dedicating 100% of any public gift to support the work that we do.


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